With his numerous achievements in mechanics, math, optics, thermodynamics, astronomy, and philosophy, Isaac Newton has been called a polymath. In person, he had the aura of a boss, bringing people to their knees.
But don’t be fooled, Newton was also a 17th century “troll.”
He scolded people, resented people
Didn’t even have eyes for the Church
There were only two ways
Provoking Newton
Could have ended:
Either you died,
Or he lived.
What arrogance!
Few however know that Sir Newton was also a financier, having served as Master of the British Royal Mint. During his tenure, he invented anti-counterfeiting technology, affecting the world’s centuries-old gold standard. The Newton Project was so named to commemorate Sir Newton’s outstanding contributions.
The project gives new meaning to the Newton, the unit of force in classical mechanics — which is replaced by the NewForce (NF) in the Newton community economy as a measure of value creation.
On December 18, 2018, Newton MainNet and NewPay were simultaneously launched. The Newton genesis block wrote, “From this moment onward, Newton is not only a unit of natural force, but also a unit of digital assets.”
A quarter on, the project has achieved gratifying results. In search of “Newton people” with creativity and unlimited brains, and to commemorate such a talented and interesting individual, Newton is holding the first “Newton Cup,” welcoming global community members. This global community creativity contest includes three sections as follows:
1.Essay competition
Time: UTC 00:00, March 26 2019, to 00:00 April 26
1. Write an essay about the Newton Project or Newton
2. At least 800 words
3. Any genre
4. Newly written
5. The essay must not have previously appeared on the platform
The first 3 submissions which pass the quality guidelines will earn their creators 5,000 NEW
Note: Works that don’t win may be reused at the author’s discretion following the competition.
2. Comic competition
Time: UTC 00:00, March 26 2019, to 00:00 April 26
1. Create a comic about the Newton Project or Newton
2. The comic must have a story line and be interesting
3. At least 8 panels
4. The comic must not have appeared on other platforms
The first 3 submissions which pass the quality guidelines will earn their creators 5,000 NEW
Note: Works that don’t win may be reused at the author’s discretion following the competition.
3. Video competition
Time: UTC 00:00, March 26 2019, to 00:00 April 26
1. Create a video about the Newton Project or Newton
2. 1–30 minutes
3. The video must not have appeared on other platforms
The first 3 submissions which pass the quality guidelines will earn their creators 5,000 NEW
Note: Works that don’t win may be reused at the author’s discretion following the competition.
Submission instructions:
Send the work to contact@newtonproject.org with the subject “XX competition + mobile + email + name of the work”
Essay competition: 1st Prize 100,000 NEW, 2nd Prize 50,000 NEW, 3rd Prize 10,000 NEW
Comic competition: 1st Prize 100,000 NEW, 2nd Prize 50,000 NEW, 3rd Prize 10,000 NEW
Video competition: 1st Prize 100,000 NEW, 2nd Prize 50,000 NEW, 3rd Prize 10,000 NEW
The list of winners will be published on May 10, 2019, and the prizes will be issued on May 15.
In December 2018, Newton launched MainNet and the NewPay wallet. In March 2019, NewPay 1.0, the first wallet with community governance functionality, was launched. NewMall, the first application, will go online at any time. The project has made a series of gratifying achievements, all of which wouldn’t have happened without the support of the community. The aim of this competition is for community members to be creative and show their community spirit.
The Newton team retains the right to interpret this competition. If it finds that any submission is not original, has been used on other platforms, or has been plagiarized, it may cancel its eligibility.
The Newton team
March 26, 2019