Newton Weekly Updates — 28 May 2018

2 min readMay 28, 2018


❏ Technology Dynamics

1. The community growth product model was discussed and designed;

2. The Russian version of the official website is online;

3. Some known bugs of NewPay and blockchain browser were repaired;

4. The prototype development of the DPoS consensus algorithm was completed;

5. The technical documents related to the main chain, i.e. NewChain were finished, including address specifications, transaction fees rules, etc.

❏ Team Dynamics

Jizhe Xu and Dr. Jingnong Lin, a blockchain economist from Silicon Valley in the United States, conducted an in-depth discussion on the design concept and operational planning of the Newton project this week.

Dr. Jingnong Lin (left) and Jizhe Xu (right)

From May 22nd to 23rd, the Newton project team held internal technical and operational seminars. Jizhe Xu chaired the seminars and discussed technology development, Newton token exchanges, and Newton economic business model with core team members. Newton angel Investors & consultants, Bitcoin ambassador Willson Lee, and Newton co-founder, CEO of, Shubin Li attended the seminars. After the meeting, Newton core team conducted a team building activities. Newton consultants and angel investors, Professor Xueyong Gu and Professor Dinghe Hu from Tsinghua University were invited to participate in the activities.

❏ Community Dynamic

1. The number of Newton international communities on telegram increased from 7682 to 8492 this week, with a growth rate of 10.54%. The number of Telegram Chinese community increased from 1597 to 1780 this week, the growth rate reached 11.46%.

2. This week, Newton Japanese Community on telegram was established and started to operate.

❏ Media News

1) The last week’s “Newton Beijing offline MeetUp” has been reported by many Chinese internet media, including Sina, Sohu, International Online, China Daily, China Gold Online and so on.

2) The keynote speech of Jizhe Xu, Shubin Li, and Xueyong Gu on Newton Beijing offline MeetUp were organized and published on Newton’s official website, these speech records were reproduced by other industry media. The publication of this series of articles will help users to better understand the philosophy of Newton project more comprehensively.

3) On May 24th, Jizhe Xu accepted an exclusive interview from Bikuai finance and talked about his experience of starting Newton project, his understanding on the future trend and layout in blockchain industry. This exclusive interview was published on the front page of Bikuai finance entitled “2018 will be the year for blockchain commercialization”.

❏ Contact Us

You can learn about the latest news of Newton project through the following links:
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Telegram Chinese:
Google Group:!aboutgroup/newton-universe




Written by Newton

Infrastructure for the community economy

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