Newton Weekly Updates — 16 April 2018

3 min readApr 16, 2018


Research on Newton theoretical basis
1. After the interviews and investigations of many renowned investors, scholars and some HR managers from listed company, Jizhe Xu took a further research on the organizational structure of Newton and protocol mode. The theoretical body of Newton was taking shape;
2.Jizhe Xu and Lee Willson, one of the Newton’s angle investors & Bitcoin Ambassador, made a great progress in Newton commercial concept by designing a new conceptual framework of Newton+(Plus). Newton+(Plus) refers to the combination between Newton and other basic public chains or community, the combination with Newton will enable the partners to engage in e-commerce. For example.

Technical Dynamics
In April 8th, Newton project website was officially launched and put into service. The website functions are further optimized We have improved secondary level page and additional functions including: mail subscription, FAQ, blog style modification and so on.

Group Dynamics
In April 9th, Newton group made a detailed discussion on organizational structure innovation scheme and confirmed recent work plan.

Jizhe Xu, the Founder of Newton project(forth from left), Shubin Li, the Co-Founder of Newton(third from right) and part of Newton team members.
Jizhe Xu was explaining the design philosophy of Newton project

Ecological construction
In April 13th, Jizhe Xu, the Founder of the Newton project, Shubin Li, the Co-Founder of Newton took an in-depth discussion with the director of Elastos ecosystem construction committee DingHe Hu, and the Ecological director of Elastos Song Bao. After an active and open communication, they have further confirmed the importance of cooperation between Newton and Elastos, and they reached consensus on the basic cooperating framework based on mutual resources and industry current status.

Jizhe Xu(third from left), Shubin Li(first from right), Dinghe Hu(second from left) and Song Bao(first from left)

Community Dynamics
1. International community on Telegram
The official Telegram International community was officially published to the public this week. The number of community members shot up to 1100+ and continues to grow.
2. Chinese community on WeChat
This week, many self-forming Newton communities have emerged in different regions all over the China. Until now, there are 22 Newton communities on Wechat contains more than 2000 members. These members are very active and enthusiastic about the Newton project.

Contact Us
You can learn about the latest news of Newton project through the following community media:
Newton Website:
Telegram English:
Telegram Chinese:
Google Group:!aboutgroup/newton-universe




Written by Newton

Infrastructure for the community economy

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