❏ Technical Progress
1. NewMall V1.1.1 added commodities image sharing function to increase WeChat sharing functionality.
2. This week, NewMall launched a total of 5,091 items such as fresh food, involving 75 brands and 124 categories.
1. Defined Interface to support DApps.
for HEP-1.1 on developer website and client end.
2. Joint login support added to send wallet addresses and invitation codes to third-party DApps.
3. Technical cache scheme optimized.
4. UI design completed for NewPay V1.3 DApp stores.
5. Product design for node governance improvement plans started.
1. NewTax smart contracts added, and NEW consumed in NewID registration are transferred to NewTax
2. Technical adjustments related to human node rule improvement completed
3. The adjusted community incentive allocation mechanism was tested using DevNet and TestNet
❏ Team News
1. Newton founder Xu Jizhe discussed and decided matters related to human node rules and NewTax with the team. NEW income generated by the Newton DApp community economy goes into NewTax. Parts of this NEW will be released into NewPool, providing incentives for contributors to the community economy. The specific NewTax release time and method will be announced later.
2. Xu said in an interactive communication with Chinese community that through products like NewPay, he would hand over more governance functions and corresponding rights and benefits to human nodes, giving full play to the creativity and initiative of humans in the design of human-machine community.
❏ Community News
1. As of the end of this week, there were 34 Newton community nodes candidates, newly adding Huobi Pool and NewConsLab. According to the updated human node rules, 32 nodes are elected as human nodes. A total of over 2.44 billion NEW were locked, with over 2,350 votes. WANQINEW ranked 1st, with 592 votes.
2. Improved rules for human nodes have been implemented, eliminating elected and alternate nodes. Now there are only elected and non-elected nodes, and there is no quantitative limit. After being elected, initiators earn 2x NewForce. Non-elected nodes do not help the initiators earn NewForce. The election threshold for human nodes has decreased from 50 votes to 10. Voter qualification has changed from holding 50,000 NEW to only 10,000. These improvements are only the first governance optimization step, and relevant rules will be continuously optimized in conjunction with the process of ecosystem development.
3. The Huobi mining pool human node has been initiated and elected on Newton, holding a total of 508 million NEW. The initiation of this node is an important part of the strategic cooperation between Newton and Huobi, and the Huobi mining pool will continue to help build the Newton ecosystem
4. The node WANQINEW has started an invitation contest. From 0:00 on May 25 until 0:00 on May 28, people who invite 20 newly users joining NewPay and voting for WANQINEW node for a whole year will be given 50,000 NEW as a reward by WANQINEW.
❏ In the Media
Huobi mining pool’s initiation of a human Newton node attracted widespread attention in the industry. Industry media including BTCTrade published related reports and commentary.
Contact us
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Newton official website:https://www.newtonproject.org
GitHub: https://github.com/newtonproject
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